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Friday, August 30, 2013

First steps in Anno1777. First steps in Nicaragua!


Tutorial and tricks about the game. We will give you more details about the game in this one and the following articles. Stay tuned and enjoy the game. Remember patient is virtue :D

OK, once you are logged in to the game you can do several things. If you are a citizen of Nicaragua you can work at the Nicaragua island and earn our local currency [NID]. In general there are 3 different currencies in the game: EUR, Gold, and local countries/islands currencies. Nicaragua has NID for example.

At the moment exchange rates are as follows: 1EUR=6Gold, and 1Gold=48 NID. The currencies are fluctuating like on the real forex market. When you buy or sell currencies, the exchange rate drops or increases, respectively. Nicaragua has a stable economy so the currency is about 44 NID normally. EUR is stable too and usually cost about 5-6 gold but has a dropping trend right now.

In Nicaragua you can earn money in the following ways:

- working for 8h once over 24h - you earn about 0.5-0.6NID/h depending on your wellness and economic score [ES, I will explain this later],

- once a day you can get a complete profile bonus of up to 1NID, if you have completed your profile at all [meaning - 10 pictures, 10 questions answered about yourself, you do not need to do it if you do not want to]

- if you have worked 5 days in a row you get a work bonus of up to 50NID! depending of your wellness! So about 1.13 GOLD!

- you can attack slaves and get the Attack Bonus of 0.1NID. In order to attack slaves press Fight button. You can attack a slave every 20 minutes but be aware of the fact that your wellness will drop a bit every time you do it.

- once a day you can collect:
(i) Direct Slaves and Referrer Bonus each of 0.01NID per slave. Direct Slaves bonus refers to the number of slaves you have attacked or bought, and they are own by you at a given moment [remember that if you do not block a slave someone else can attack it and you will lose it, however, blocking slaves is VERY expensive - about 0.09EUR per slave per week].
(ii) Referrer Bonus refers to the number of slaves that you bought or invited to the game as long as they have used your referral affiliate link (the so called permanent slaves).

- you can sell your slaves at the Slave Market usually you can have a chance to sell a slave that gives low or none income for 0.01-0.03g

- if you keep your slaves they will pay you a part of their earnings. For the direct slaves you get up to 25% of their earnings. For the permanent slaves you get up to 10%. The maximum value refers to the wellness of 100%. If your wellness is lower you will earn accordingly less.

- AND the most important way to earn 1-3 gold per day is to become a soldier. Read our official article about that or contact kazik30 to get a copy of it.

So you see that one can have a lot of possibilities to earn money and finally withdraw real EURO.

The most important parameter of the game is the WELLNESS. The higher it is the better. With wellness at 100% you will get a maximum from the all possible bonuses offered by the game, and our island. Unfortunately your wellness is dropping every hour by about 5% until it reaches 10%. It will not drop more than the final 10% but with the wellness at 10% you only get a 10% of all the bonuses. Thus, it is important to keep the wellness high and earn more :]

How to do it?

To increase wellness you can:

1. BUY clothes. !!! It obligatory to wear a FULL SET of CLOTHES in Nicaragua !!!

!!! As a newbie you have to buy a piece of cloth every time you get the work bonus. Do that until you acquire the whole SET !!!!

Each type of clothes offers you a certain level of wellness per day. There are 10 types of clothes [underwear, socks, gloves, hat, shirt, boots, pants, jacket, overcoat, and coat]. Each type of clothes has five quality levels. Depending on the quality level you will get from 1 to 5% points to your wellness and you can use it for 5-30 days. Remember that clothes wear out, which means that after awhile they will automatically disappear from your inventory. You can own only one type of clothes each. Thus, if you buy 10 type of clothes (5 stars = Q5) you obtain 50% wellness! If you wear the whole clothes set your wellness will be about 65% at the end of the day! To buy clothes, go to the page Goods / Clothes. Nicaragua selsl only Q5 clothes.

The price is 18NID at the moment.

Buy a set of Q5 clothes and wait about 20-23h before you go to work so you can maximize your profits. From the set of 10 clothes q5 you get finally +50% to your wellness but this will take time about 2% every hour.

Wearing the set of clothes is the cheapest way to get high wellness.

2. RENT or BUY a house. When you rent and MOVE IN to the house, every day you get 5-25%points of wellness depending on the quality of the house (Q1-Q5). The house will expire after 100 days! If you cannot afford to buy a house you can rent it. Nicaragua does not offer renting since it is very expensive at the moment. If you moved in to the house you can still freely travel without losing your house bonus. Awhile ago houses had no duration, but now they last for 100 days! If you are a soldier you need a house.

Renting price of the house will be about 4-5NID per day.

Rent a house and wait about 20-23h before you go to work so you can maximize your profits. From the q5 house you get finally +25% to your wellness but this will take time, about 1% every hour. To rent a house go to the page Real Estate

If you wanna buy a house contact kazik30 or one of house companies owners. Houses expire in the house company already so they will be not produced in advance but buy the order only! The house cost 10-15g.

3. BUY and drink wine. Wine can give you from 1 to 25% wellness depending how old it is, 1-24 days respectively. Already a Q3 wine gives you 25% wellness, as well as Q4 and Q5 wines. A brand new bottle of wine offers 1 point of wellness. If a wine is not sold and stays on the market the wellness offered by a bottle increases. After about 100 days a bottle of wine will bring the final 25% wellness value. You can drink maximum one bottle every 24 hours sharp! To drink wine, go to the page Goods / Wine.

Wine in Nicaragua cost 2.5NID now

4. BUY and eat food. Food has 5 quality levels [stars] and is the fastest way to increase your wellness but is mostly used by the soldiers cause of its cost! Depending on its quality [q], your wellness increases with a certain value [1 star - 1%point, 2 stars - 2%point, etc.]. You can eat once over 6 hours. To eat go to the page Goods / Food.

Q5 food in Nicaragua cost about 1.7NID now

Common expressions at the shout box:
q1,q2,q3,q4,q5 - quality one star, ..., quality five stars
g - gold
wtb, wts - want to buy, want to sell

Stay tuned!

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