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Friday, September 9, 2011

Safe Depositary SCAM!!! DO NOT INVEST!!!

SCAM! Do not invest!
Step by step and deal by deal Safe Depositary writes its own history of a successful stock trading. It writes the history with its original pen by dipping it in the inkwell with ink consisting of success, reliability and a professional wealth management.


Virtax Fund
Daily interest rate: 1.6%
Min deposit: $10
Investment period: 150 days (Mon-Fri)
Deposit payback: Yes (150 days)
Premature closing fee: 30%
Compounding: Available
Signed paper contract: Available

Rovasion Fund
Daily interest rate: 1.8%
Min deposit: $1000
Investment period: 150 days (Mon-Fri)
Deposit payback: Yes (150 days)
Premature closing fee: 30%
Compounding: Available
Signed paper contract: Available

Orston Fund
Daily interest rate: 2%
Min deposit: $5000
Investment period: 150 days (Mon-Fri)
Deposit payback: Yes (150 days)
Premature closing fee: 30%
Compounding: Available
Signed paper contract: Available

Grand Fund
Daily interest rate: 2.3%
Min deposit: $40000
Investment period: 150 days (Mon-Fri)
Deposit payback: Yes (150 days)
Premature closing fee: 30%
Compounding: Available
Signed paper contract: Available

Referral commissions: 1st level referrals - 8%; 2nd level referrals - 3%; 3rd level referrals - 1%

Accepted payment processors: LR, PM, AP, ST, Wire

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